These famous Calls to Action

In life, everything is always clearer when you have a plan. A guideline to follow, a purpose, a direction. What is often forgotten is that this principle applies to many things in life, even when you create your website! You probably have your plan and this is probably why you created your site in the first place... but did you think of a plan for your visitors?

What is a Call-to-Action

In this blog, I mentioned Call-to-Action on several occasions. I think it’s relevant to talk a little more about the subject. First, what is a Call-to-Action, eh? Well, it’s an expression that refers to an invitation to do something, to take action. This can be as simple as making a call or buy online. As a webmaster, these two examples may very well be the ones you are targeting. It can also be as simple as inviting your visitors to view your promotional videos. It’s pretty easy to create a Call-to-Action, actually. Ask yourself "What do I want my visitors to do?" If the answer is, for example, "I want my visitors to contact me by phone", then tell them! Just add a "Call me!" module with your phone number. These requests are often so obvious that we fail to add them to the site and yet, they’re an excellent practice. Consider Calls-to-Action as road signs for your site, just like those on the streets. Without these signs on the roads, our travels would be less effective for sure!

In general, we consider that each site has a purpose and the content of it reflecting this goal. Would you like: people to get to know you, to expand your customer base, to make online sales, to provide a service, to share stories, etc.. All of these goals are relevant to a website. Of course, you can combine them, too! Certain pages of your site have a specific purpose, such as inviting your visitors to contact you, while the rest of your site to another, to make online sales, for example. In this case, You will need to consider several calls-to-action to convert your visitors into potential customers. If a page contains several Call-to-Action, simply prioritize: the most important will be more obvious and simply make the others a bit more subtle.

I am convinced that your site already contains some call-to-action that you haven’t done on purpose. In fact, they are increasingly a part of our ways to build of a good website, without really paying attention. These call-to-actions can be as simple as a “call me!” module with your phone number, a link to another page on your site (click here!) or a contact form. Each of your pages should contain its own call-to-action. If you created a page on your site, it’s for a reason (assuming your site is well built and well structured). This reason is probably in connection with your visitors. Ask yourself the question "What do I want to gain in return from this specific page and how I do I direct my visitors toward this goal". If there is nothing on the page to answer this question or achieve this goal, you must add the Call-to-Action.

Here are some tips for a successful Call-to-Action, according to HubSpot:

1. Size does matter!

The purpose of your call-to-action is to attract attention and direct the visitor. So, you want your link, button or module to be big enough that it attracts the attention of visitors. As simple as that!

2. Allow some breathing space

You've probably heard the expression "less is sometimes more". Well, it’s also true for your Call-to-Action. Do not overload your page or request and leave enough space around it for the call-to-action to breathe. By isolating it from the rest of your content, you naturally put it forward.

3. Choose the right location

Make sure you put your Call-to-Action in visible and accessible without the need to scroll down the page. Place it at the top of the pages as much as possible. If you put the call-to-action in places that aren’t easily accessible or more hidden, they won’t be as effective and may not be seen. After all, those road signs are not hidden behind bushes!

4. Use contrasting elements

Whether you go with a Call-to-Action in the form of a text, an image or a module, be sure to use colors or elements that are contrasting with the rest of your site or the environment surrounding it.

5. Try unconventional Shapes

Most Call-to-Action buttons are square or rectangular. Why not go one step further and make it into an arrow, a label, or a speech bubble! By going a little further, the visitor will be more likely to read or notice it, thus making sure the call-to-action is not an ad or banner that they’re trying to avoid.

6. Do not hesitate to direct your traffic

Turn yourself into a flag person! Don’t hesitate to use arrows or other directional elements to show the way to your visitors. These arrows create a path for the eye and will lead them where you want them to go. Another important point: If you add a picture of a person on a page, the visitor's eye will follow those of the the character. So, make sure that the person in the picture is looking where you want your visitors to look, since they will naturally follow his or her gaze!

7. Think text rather than images

People who are looking for important information seek it in the text and not in images. For several years now, our surfing habits make us avoid images and visuel content, automatically assuming they are "superfluous" or advertisements. In consequence, focus and play with the text of your Call-to-Action. Make sure you use a clear, simple and direct text in order to direct your potential customer properly. For example, "Click here" is much clearer than "Follow the link below for more information»